Sunday, May 30, 2021

Tianxia Hsenwi: Part 12: 1056-1064: The Inca Invasion

My wife not only lost her war, but got imprisoned, and deprived of even a county. I couldn't even ask to bail her out. Well, I still have a few concubines, so I guess I'll spend time with them instead.

The Inca Emperor got even more troops, and continued subjugating minor islands.

Meanwhile 5 different independent Inca armies invaded Mongol-occupied Japan. They all got obliterated.

After the Mongol khagan died, his different relatives inherited Japanese and mainland parts of his realm. The Mongol ruler who inherited Japan settled down as its feudal ruler, and instantly got into trouble with the locals. And then the two khagans started fighting, so their event troops are dying in droves.

I got a super rare ability to wage holy war on Hindu queen of Champa - normally Buddhists cannot do that, but she's a known Satan Worshiper, and that unlocks everyone's holy wars. First time ever. I targeted Hindu holy site at Angkor, to reduce their religious authority from 69% to 56%.

Angkor didn't even stay as my vassal - the cousin to whom I granted it died of smallpox, and another cousin, direct vassal of Greater Pegu as duke of Aceh, got it instead. It doesn't even matter, what I need is the coastline connecting my capital to China.

Well, the time has come. Inca with their 153k troops attacked my cousin with merely 45k. The cousin was an idiot. Instead of spending his 80k gold on hiring every possible mercenary, he only hired two companies.

I didn't expect to win, but I joined with my 15k to kill as many of the infidels as possible. At first it went really poorly, so I went almost bankrupt hiring just one mercenary company.

We won about 21 battles, lost 7. They sacked most of my cousin's demesne, but after we turned the tide, my cousin even occupied their poorly fortified home island.

Of their 149k starting event troops, they were left with just 51k. Plus about 30k troops they can raise locally. So not quite obliterated, but drastically weakened.

Nobody joined us. It was just my cousin and me, each doing about half the fighting, even though he had twice as many troops as I did.

Almost the darkest times. The Incas sieged Pegu's heartlands (they'd get a few more provinces), and kept winning most battles. There were too many of them to get any advantageous fights, they'd just reinforce with more troops.
I didn't think we'd win, but I was going to kill as many as I can, and kept unsieging what they took to prolong the war.
I had very limited mobility, as the Incas were swarming, and it took forever for my ships to sail between two coasts around the Malay Peninsula. Kra Isthmus Canal would be great. It's actually narrower than in Panama.

My cousin didn't believe in my prolonged war strategy, and sent half his army to the capital of Inca invasion force. The whole war was for those two counties in the middle of Java, but that's where the last Buddhist we hold is - the Borobudur temple.

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