Thursday, May 6, 2021

Tianxia China: Part 08: 1004-1014: Dynastic Politics

War for China slowly continued. Nephew of previous Jin Emperor of North China managed to reconstitute enough of that realm to proclaim a Jin Empire, even if he was currently the weakest of the 4 claimants.

I got brother of Khmer Emperor matrilineally married to my daughter. This meant that if disease took the bastard, we'd have it in our family. Disease didn't, so I tried to send my spies. Eventually since that also failed, I sent my troops, and Emperor of Chu joined me.

As I wasn't sure if my claimant would have a baby, and the whole thing was pointless if he ended up dying childless, I had an affair with my daughter, so the baby boy Wenjie he thinks is his, is actually my son.

The fun thing is that if my son inherits without going Hindu, he'll probably proclaim his claim to the Dragon Throne.

I invited a brother of Yan Emperor and married him to my daughter as well. Right now that plan only got to the point of marriage.

So my connections to all current and likely future imperials contenders:

  • Zhao - emperor is my cousin, heir married to my daughter, after his first wife and also my daughter died; next in life married to another of my daughters
  • Khmer Empire - married matrilineally to my daughter, heir is my secret incest baby
  • Chu - emperor married to my daughter
  • Yan - heir (brother) married matrilineally to my daughter
  • Jin - only very distant; my aunt was married to great uncle of the Jin Emperor

And some more connections to previous Cheng, Liao, and probably other houses as well.

I'm going full Chinese Habsburg here.

My forces are very depleted from fighting the Khmer Empire, hopefully my constantly disloyal vassals won't use it as an excuse to rebel. Playing with half demesne size turns something that used to be trivial - managing vassals by sheer force - into a bit more of a challenge.

Meanwhile there are some rumors that Inca Invasion might be coming from the East. I guess if it happens, they'll invade some of the islands first, so we have some time.

New Khmer Emperor is so unpopular I'll be shocked if it works
Plan Yan is another longshot
There's probably some way I could flip Zhao to my dynasty as well, they're practically my family already

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