Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Tianxia China: Part 07: 995-1004: Everybody Wants The Dragon Throne

With code fixed, king of Chengdufu proclaimed Yan Empire; while my cousin kin of Annan proclaimed Zhao Empire. These were facing Chu Empire, as well as assortment of minor dukes.

As I had no intention of fighting my cousin, and both his sons were betrothed to my daughers, I swore fealty to the Zhao Emperor.

He was a Vietnamese Buddhist, and I was Han Taoist, but he was overall a very competent ruler, 8/16/7/9/11 with a lot of good traits.

My other children were betrothed to Japanese and Chu royalty, but the Chu Emperor falsely accused me of something ridiculous, broke our alliance, and that was the final straw making me decide to side with my cousin's claim.

After that, I also changed my laws from agnatic to agnatic-cognatic primogeniture. Gods cursed me with 7 daughters and only 1 son, and the realm would be in crisis if anything were to happen to that boy.

My cousin started by declaring war on obnoxious tribals of Juzhou, which frequently raided my realm, and which I had to fight on multiple occasions before, but I didn't want to conquer their lands, as I had so many other tribal lands to civilize. I even received those tribal lands to administer as viceroyalty, which mostly meant it would cost me a lot of money to build necessary infrastructure, but it's either that, or the barbarians will go back to their raiding ways.

And since the imperial matters were in good hands, I focused on wine and women.

Empire of Japan declared war on us, targeting county of Baise held by my cousin, based on some really remote connection to some rebels who briefly held it.

That was truly obnoxious, as claimant Japanese princess was betrothed to my daughter, and it was two strongest countries of East Asia, both family, fighting over a stupid county. Emperor's troops invaded Japan and sacked Kyoto, while I was leading defense of the homeland.

After we won that war, my emperor's levies were depleted, and alliance 3 of vassal dukes of Chu attacked us. After winning this one, I reestablished marriage ties with Empire of Chu and helped them fight Yan dynasty - the only one I never had any links to.

We also got attacked by Khmer Empire - culturally it could also join the fight for China, but since it's Hindu not Buddhist or Taoist or something else Chinese-compatible, it will be its own thing. As usual in CK2 I absolutely despise all the Hindus as they won't enter any marriage alliances with people of the wrong caste, so they're literally the worst of all religions (from foreigner's perspective).

To balance out those costly wars, I waged a few minor reconquest wars against coastal dukes. A few coastal counties on Central and North China coast are extremely rich, and I want these in my demesne, even if it makes it completely disconnected.

The emperor tried to get my Han Taoist daughters educated to be Viet Buddhist. I didn't object, as their tutors were good, and my son should uphold family traditions.

My direct holdings are 2/3 of the Zhao Empire, even generously including its tributaries Champa and Luang Namtha a part of it. Of course as long as we're on good terms, I fully support his emperorship.

It's difficult to see the borders as Yan and Zhao have almost identical colors; and Chu has same colors as a lot of minor dukes.

Also that purple in Korea - that's a Tengri Mongol duke, who's a vassal of Greek Orthodox pretender Roman Empress! Mongol adventurer conquered that duchy, but his brother was a vassal duke of Anatolia, and somehow that's how it got inherited. There are 3 Roman Emperors.

There are a few more possible contenders:

  • If Khmer Empire ever went Buddhist it could join the war.
  • If Korean ever expelled their Jurchen occupying horde
  • or alternatively if Jurchens got stronger, settled as feudals (they're tribals not horde; so it's actually hard), and dropped Tengri (but that decision's code looks bugged)
  • Tribal duke of Nagormo got 30k event troops from random horde mod, but lost most of them fighting Khitans of Zubu. Either of them had a chance of becoming a claimant.
  • North China after Cheng collapse had some strong multidukes, so maybe one of them gets a kingdom and joins the fight

Counting just counties in de jure China, and ignoring tributaries (Yan and Zhao both have some land outside too):

  • Zhao - 67
  • Chu - 32
  • Yan - 23
  • independent - 62

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