Friday, May 7, 2021

Tianxia China: Part 09: 1014-1022: The Mongols Arrive

Out of interest, I wrote a script to find world's richest characters by income, and as usual I'm first, a bit ahead of two biggest merchant republics (Almeria and Regusa; the usual leader Venice got taken over by Ragusa), and beyond us three it's very big gap. I don't even do anything cheesy, AI is just bad at this.

Maybe I made claimant conditions a bit too easy, as 5th contender for the Dragon Throne joined - Han, just North-East of Chu and Jin. Then 6th contender Tang to the North.

Of course all that could soon be irrelevant, as the Mongols arrived with 115k event troops, twice as many as all emperors of China put together.

My son-in-law Khmer Emperor got wrecked by a revolt, and with him overthrown, my 5 year old incest baby (officially my grandson) became the new Khmer Emperor. Then he got attacked by two claimant revolt, and I had to save his throne.

Meanwhile, I pressed my other son-in-law's claim for Empire of Yan, with my non-incest grandson being next in line to inherit Yan and its claim to the Dragon Throne. Yan isn't exactly the leading contender, but it's nice to help the family.

As I didn't have too much too do, I went on artifact search, and while exploring Tomb of Three Kings, I got severely wounded and lost an eye.

Soon disloyal vassals made an attempt at overthrowing my benevolent rule, and install my uncle on the throne.

As I was fighting the rebels, Mongols invaded Tang, and Jin, Chu, and Han joined Han's side. The Mongols won, but they took very small amount of territory, and it cost them 15k of their 115k event troops. Mongols for now decided to head West to get more pastures, but they'll be back.

 The Incas are likely coming soon as well.

High point of my Chinese dynastic politics, with 6 contenders plus Khmers, and all the strong ones related

My sons in law are on thrones of Yan (matrilineally) and Chu. My cousin rules Zhao. My son rules the Khmer Empire which is obviously heading towards a disaster.

Jin, Han, and Tang in North China are unprepared for Mongol invasion, which is just getting into the lands of the Zubu horde

Tang Empire got to a terrible start, with Mongols taking over their capital

Zunyi are local tribals stuck between 4 empires who mostly managed to very successfully defend themselves from various attacks. This is quite impressive

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