Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tianxia China: Part 06: 983-995: Nobody Wants The Dragon Throne

My grandfather left the realm in good shape, but it didn't stay long like this, and I ended up facing two vassal rebellions. There was no mercy, the only way rebels leave the oubliette is when they're dead. My new vassals - either cousins or Han lowborn - are now much more loyal. This also let me replace pagan tribal vassals by good Han Taoist who then adopted feudalism.

The first of two rebellions. Halves demesne limit makes rebellions no longer a total joke

The war for the Dragon Throne was coming to its natural conclusion.

Cheng Empire completely collapsed in a massive civil war. I crushed the remnants of Han.

Wu Empire also collapsed, and it was taken over by house Ma, previous kings of no longer existing Chu, who proclaimed themselves Chu Emperors. I'm not sure if that naming is a coincidence or intentional.

With only just one contender the war should be over, but why isn't anyone else joining the fight?

Now this whole situation is made even more difficult by Fitna Fracture mod I also have in the modpack, which breaks big blobs in case of long stalled civil wars. The problem is that Fitna Fracture is trying to simulate stalled civil wars, but China already is in a stalled civil war, so we have civilwarception here, which is not good. However, only Cheng fell this way, so it's not really the root cause.

Well, time to check the code.

Khitans (who created Liao) and Jurchens (from other bookmarks) have special events. If you're a vassal of an emperor, you can plot to fabricate claim to his realm, the same way I got Japan in previous campaign. Otherwise, the requirements are just completely ridiculous. No AI would ever manage this in a thousand games, and even for the player it looks like it would be easier to conquer China by regular means than to setup a claimant empire.

So first I changed Fitna Fracture to wait 5-6 years instead of 3-4. It's not a big deal, but let's not make it worse than it already is.

Next I tried to lower conditions to claim the Dragon Throne to really easy - be king or higher, 50+ holdings, close enough culture and religion, at peace, 500 gold, 1000 prestige, done. And in a decade of that, not a single AI even tried. Not like they couldn't, or didn't want to, AI is just completely pathologically unable to save 500 gold (2-3 years income), and will always spend it on something before it has even close to that.

I guess I'll need to make it even easier, or to manually make some countries claim the dragon throne.

By the way, I think this Tianxia logic isn't completely crazy in bookmarks where China is unified, and it should be hard to challenge that with a pretender claim. It's just completely silly in this specific bookmark, where empire title has been vacant for nearly a century.

Elsewhere Umayyads conquered Aquitaine, and the Pope declared a successful crusade for it.

Chu is the last imperial claimant standing, but really there are at least three stronger realms - Chengdufu, Guangxi, and Annam

In the past there were so many other possible claimants, like Dali, previous Chu, Goreyo, Wuyue and so on

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