Monday, May 10, 2021

Tianxia China: Part 13: 1051-1058: Sunrise Invasion

Disregarding rumors of incoming Incas, we striked back against Chu, Jin, and Han dynasties, and won some minor wars grabbing a duchy from each.

I got my son betrothed to Mongol princess, but Mongols are really not a big deal. Sadly we couldn't ally them, I'm not sure why. Mongols are busy conquering North-Western India, but Mughals are only EU4 thing.

Inca Emperor's forces swelled to 157k event troops, and he invaded various islands East of China.

In more baffling turn of events, at least 6 Inca hosts with 17k troops launched their independent wars - and one of them targeted my Taiwan. Now I don't even care about Taiwan, and I only keep invading it to stop Taiwanese piracy targeting my coastline, but I sure won't let some petty adventurer take my land.

5 Inca adventurers simultaneously invaded Japan. I literally bribed the Tenno to let me ally him and help, but the last thing I need is Japan turning into den of Inca piracy raiding my cities. I helped a bit, but to be honest Tenno was doing splendidly, and all the adventurers ended up in Japanese prison.

While all their Northern adventures collapsed, Inca Emperor was doing great capturing island after island in the South. After Borobudur Temple was captured, Buddhist holy order Chosen of Ashoka was gathered to defend Buddhism. Which doesn't make terribly much sense, as Borobudur was under Hindu control for centuries.

My cousin Khmer Emperor lost control over Lan Xang to some Hindu adventurer, but we have more pressing matters.

In an even more baffling turn of event, my cousin Song Emperor decided to press my cousin's claim to Yan Empire. So now our dynasty has 3 empires, but that last one is literally a shitty duchy, and even if she survives with her petty empire, her heir is non-dynastic anyway.

Incas conquered a bunch of shitty islands, and forced local emperor to abolish the title, so the remaining dukes will offer little resistance. Nothing in the islands or Malaysian Peninsula can offer even 5k troops against their remaining 108k, and Khmer Empire would still be an easy conquest at 13k.

Mongols have just 26k event troops left, so first serious vassal rebellion will shatter everything they conquered.

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