Saturday, May 15, 2021

Tianxia China: Part 17: 1089-1094: I'm Emperor of China Now

Mongols managed to conquer their small piece of China, at great cost.

My distant cousin, overthrown Khmer Emperor, managed to escape imprisonment by the traitors, and ran to my court. I declared war to restore his rule, but I have my doubts if he'll be able to keep it. And soon enough he faced another revolt. I can't keep helping him forever.

With Jin beig so battered, by cousin was proclaimed the one true emperor of all China, which renamed the dynasty to Zhao. I think the mod does far too many such renames. This also messed up de jure tree of China. A much dumber thing happened, and game gave all my daughters "Chinese Princess (unmarried) - This woman is a member of the extended Chinese Imperial Family and cannot marry normally". They also cannot inherit, so my inheritance switched to my grandson. This is sort of intended to emulate the "request imperial princess" China interactions, but she's 5 steps removed from the Emperor. Honestly this mod is coded so terribly, I don't know why don't I just keep the map and throw away the rest. Well maybe because the map is also glitched, especially naval stuff. I really don't want to talk shit about fellow modders, but you really need to scale your ambitions to match your ability, as bugged features are a lot less fun than not having those features in the first place.

I needed to disable this, or it would wreck every single character in my dynasty. There's actually a game rule about it, but it's explained really poorly. So my daughter is back to being my heir.

Mongols laughed at his claim, and declared war on a piece of coast that was technically under my rule. Well, here's your test cousin, if you can defeat the horde, then you might be a real Chinese Emperor. And he really didn't, I had to send my own troops to defend China. Then my cousin died, leaving throne to a baby.

Since I was the one defending China, and baby cannot be a real emperor, many vassals agreed that I should be the emperor instead.

As if by sign from Gods that I was doing the right thing, a new doctor finally cured my cancer.

War for China was easy. The problem was that winning completely messed up my demesne laws, and instead of my carefully thought out laws, there's trash AI usually sets up, and it will take literally 120 years to fix it. I'm actually not completely sure how laws merge between titles, but if I simply got independent, and proclaimed myself emperor of China, then I'd definitely keep the good laws, and that would take a lot less than 120 years to do for sure.

Mongols, due to all the losses I inflicted upon them, soon faced independence revolt, which is definitely winning. Inca Emperor faced big independence revolt, which is also definitely winning. Both are over as a real threat.

And with this it's great time to end it, since there's really nothing that could stop me now.

Some takeaways:

  • I tried playing as a vassal as an interesting change, but I really didn't have many interactions with my liege or fellow vassals
  • playing the mod required constant manual fixes, it tries too much, and the result is a mess; I think it would be extra awesome if those features worked properly, but since they don't, just ship expanded map and the working stuff
  • Incas were a nice surprise; both Incas and Mongols were fairly balanced - being intimidating, but not really overpowered. I think even without my involvement they'd run out of steam.
  • Once again I really don't like Confucian Bureaucracy government type - not having city vassals with separate laws messes up everyone's economy; this could be corrected by tweaking vassal obligation laws (or at least which ones AI picks) and I knew about it, so my laws are sane, but it breaks AI's economics.
  • After Japan and China, I guess I could try somewhere in Korea, Indonesia, and South-East Asia next - these have a lot less custom coding, so it would be just fairly regular game with fairly regular religion, just with a different map
I didn't even try to get anyone into my faction, just one person faction rebellion
I think the result in terms of laws etc. would be different if I declared war on my emperor instead of faction ultimatum, CK2 is full of quirks like that

Not only I own China (and have CB to take all of Jin in 5 wars, but really 2 and one assassination with some small tricks), my stats are ridiculous - 14/30/16/22/31. There are very few characters with even one trait 30+, nobody with multiple. Of course if I continued stacking long term bonuses, by the end of the game my heirs would have 50+ stats.

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