Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Habsburg Megacampaign: Part 21: 1210-1219: Timurid Invasion

Just a year after fall of the Aztecs, a new horde emerged, led by Timur the Lame - 29 year old Buddhist Mongol, 12/29/14/16/15. This one was at least feudal, with agnatic gavelkind.
He can have all of India for all I care, as long as he doesn't cross into Georgia or Mesopotamia, I don't plan on getting involved.

Of course as soon as I said that, Timur decided to invade Georgia. That's not only a Christian realm, for their weird kind of Christianity, two of my younger sons are married to Georgian princesses.

In a great battle of Alamut, they attacked me into mountains, and we both reinforced with basically our whole armies. Their 54k vs my 52k, and they lost half their army, while mine was still standing. I love how decisive CK2 battles can be - in EU4 one battle against the Ottomans means nothing, here it can break a country for generations.

With Georgia defended, we finally had some peace. And some time to engage in petty vassal politics. I passed law fully legalizing women holding land - something that was historically on questionable legal grounds, but we cannot judge someone too harshly just because the God punished him by only giving him daughters.

Timurids still had decent army, and bullied their neighbours, but they had no potential to become an overwhelming threat.

And now is the time for the 5th crusade. I thought we'd go against the Aztecs or the Mongols or the Timurids, but they're all defanged.

I'm conflicted between asking for Persia or for Maharastra. I even have a spare son who just turned 16 who might be a good king of some place real far away.

That's the shortest lived major horde as they picked a war with my ally almost right away
Also this game would be so much different if I didn't have Suez Canal and navigable rivers on

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