Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Habsburg Megacampaign: Part 09: 1126-1135: Peaceful Reign of King Egidio

My father and Kaiser were best friends and it blinded him to reality of what the Holy Roman Empire has become.

When the empire was established by the Pope crowing of Charlemagne, it covered not just Germany and Italy, but the whole Francia as well. Kaiser promised to lead Christians to victory over the infidels, and respect their traditional rights.

Recent Kaisers have done none of that. The Pope is the true leader of Christianity, calling for and leading crusades which broke Muslim oppression over Egypt, Holy Lands, Africa, Arabia, and most of Iberia. When there is conflict over feudal succession, the claimants appeal to the Pope to resolve their disagreements.

Meanwhile Kaiser is stuck in North Germany. Over the last 60 years, he abolished traditional rights of the council. Instead of fighting the infidels in holy crusades, he keeps sending troops to pointless border wars with France and Pomeranian Pagans. Worst of all - Kaiser usurped Pope's holy right to nominate bishops, and for a while even setup his own false Pope!

This cannot continue. I just need to convince other vassals of this truth - and the Holy Roman Empire needs to be destroyed or at least the Council must regain its traditional rights.

But first, succession. I took German culture of my father, even though I was raised Basque by my mother. I had a war to finish to put my nephew in charge of Vienna. I got crowned by the Pope.

The Pope proclaimed by father Blessed, and I had nothing to do with it. Well, he'd be surprised by this.

My attempts at convincing others to join my factions failed.

My older brother was constantly causing trouble in my council, so to get rid of it, I pressed his claim for kingdom of Scotland. That made Scotland for the Holy Roman Empire. Oops, I guess I strengthened the Kaiser. At least I got rid of my brother, I really don't like him.

My first son died, so I got the next one baptized by the Pope himself for God's favour.

My cousin Kaiser Werner the Effeminate got excommunicated by the Pope, and soon died of severe stress, as God's punishment for his sodomine ways. The Hory Roman Empire changed dynasties once more, now with duke of Trier taking over as new Kaiser.

Meanwhile, reconquista of Spain was going so well that 2 of 3 remaining infidel rulers converted to Catholic, and some Yazidi peasants overthrew the last Sunni Caliph. This completely eliminates the threat of jihads as Sunnis have nobody to call them and Shias are far too weak.

The Jews reestablished kingdom of Abyssinia after their previous Coptic rulers got overthrown.

Pressing my brother's claim to Scotland cost me a big duchy and gave Kaiser another strong vassal.
If I want independence or at least council powers, that was a terrible move.
Now there's a new Kaiser and we can do something about limiting his powers while he's still weak.

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