Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Vijayanagar: Part 12: 1577-1599: Oirat Invasion of China

During fights in Indonesia I got my navy wrecked, so I had to expand it. It was long overdue anyway.

I returned one of Majapahit's provinces so they'd get closer, and that convinced them to become my vassals.

I needed one province held by Ming for my mission, but since I was going to war anyway, I grabbed coaatline all the way to Canton. It pissed off Chinese minors, but they'll get over it.
Chinese civil war was ongoing. Shun was far ahead of all its rivals, but was unwilling to claim the Mandate of Heaven.

There was another coalition, of Nogai, Dawasir, Mahra, Shammar, Timurids, Burnei from the Sunni block, together with Shun and Min of China. They all got over it soon enough.

I somehow convinced Oirats, Ajam, and Hormuz to join my war against Transoxiana. After that even bigger coalition assembled - from Kilwa to Sulu. I barely kept the Ottomans from joining it.

Oirats decided to cash in on all the favors they got, and called me into their war against Shun, Min, and Korea. China is such a mess. I might as well help them. If they take North China, then I can take South China without any further coalition troubles.
The Oirats were absolutely awful, being many techs behind even the backwards Chinese, so I had to fight the whole war for them. They took some land, but not even Beijing.

It feels like wasted time, but coalition mostly fell apart again.

I took expansion for 4th idea group. It's a bit dumb this late, but there's some uncolonized land that I need for my missions. I made some progress on many missions, but didn't actually finish any.

Shun, Min, and Korea were defending from invading Oirats and Indians
I sort of want Shun to win, but Oirats have been good allies

Maybe I should just take China, instead of dooming it to eternal civil war?
Countries come and go there. Liang, Qi, Yi, Dali, and Changsheng spawned just recently, and Wun separatists are trying to join it as well

Ming just left the coalition, so maybe I should do something about it

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