Saturday, January 25, 2020

Vijayanagar: Part 11: 1567-1577: Indian Parliament

With some really complicated diplomacy I added Hsenwi and Yarkand to my vassal list of Champa and Pasai.

Unfortunately it looks like the patch completely broke vassals, and they never use any missionaries. Even Yarkand with its religious ideas. I thought that maybe sending them some subisdies would help, but not one of them even tried.

After giving all my disappointing heirs swimming lessons, my ruler died without an heir, and I got an 18 year old 3/6/4 Timurid on the throne. I did not expect that. Timurids still rule in NAjd, Afghanistan, TImurids, Transoxiana, Mazandaran, and Ajam, and I'm allied with Ajam, and it looks like I accidentally accepted a royal marriage offer from them. Oh well, doesn't matter.

The Oirats pulled me into their war against Chagatai and Transoxiana. I really hoped they'd be fighting Ming, but Ming collapsed anyway, so I guess it's fair.

I had a choice of government reform, and I took a parliament for a change. That normally disables Nobility estate, but for Indians it doesn't since they have Marathas or Rajputs. First parliamentary debate was educating the unwashed masses who can't speak proper Kannadian, or something else acceptable.

I got to 8/15 missions done. What remains:
  • get 100% religious unity - I can get temporary 4th missionary with Parliament, and I can stack modifiers really high, so it's doable, but definitely harder for Christians or Muslims
  • conquer Indochina region - just my enemies, will result into a fight with Ming
  • conquer Khorasan region - just my enemies
  • conquer Persia region - awkwardly my alies Ajam and Hormuz control most of it, but alliances don't always last
  • be strongest trade power in Hormuz and Aden nodes - this would get me into a fight with my ally Hormuz
  • conquer Malaya region - a few provinces are uncolonized, so I'd need to wait for Europeans, or take late expansion ideas
  • industrialize Bengal - it requires dev pushing Lakhnor (done for Printing Press), manufactury in Lakhnor (in progress), 10 manufacturies in Bengal region (in progress), and 8 grand shipyards in Bengal region. Really unlikely that I'll do this, as grand shipyards require 1715 tech, and everything else should be over before 1650.
Potential coalition members are down to just 10, and 6 of them are not long for this world. It will go back to being a horrible mess once I turn my armies back West.

Big Beautiful Font
Yarkand, Hsenwi, Champa, and Pasai are my vassals

Light green are proper civilized people
Yellow are cultures in same group as ours
Dark green are acceptable cultures
Orange are barbarians currently being educated
Red are areas that will need some work in the future

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