Saturday, January 25, 2020

Vijayanagar: Part 10: 1555-1567: How Many Indians Died for This Name Placement?

Coalition kept growing, including briefly my disloyal former ally Afghanistan, but they got kicked out during Jaunpur war.

I finally got the holy site for third missionary from Jaunpur. If I knew, I'd have done it a lot earlier.

Then thanks to great work by my diplomats - who insulted strategically chosen coutries - coalition fell apart. Then it reemerged. AI is really indecisive.

I started my Golden Age in 1559, it will last until 1609.

I had a lot of wars, but none of them dificult. Delhi got into alliance with the Mamluks, so I couldn't 100% them without making far more effort than it could possibly be worth.

Afghanistan lost all its alliances and was fighting all its neighbours, so I took as much as my OE would allow.

I got Punjab and Assam integrated, diplovassalized Champa and Pasai. I'm working on diplovassalizing newly spawned Yarkand, newly spawned Hsenwi, and distant Majapahit.

Ottomans got coalition war against themselves, while fighting League War on Reformed side. They lost the League war, which ended up in Catholic HRE, but they're winning against the coalition.

I'm at only 4/15 Bharat missions done, but I don't expect any major difficulties from now to the finish.

My missions are telling me to finish India, and conquer Indochina, Persia, and Arabia
That's pretty much what I was going to do anyway

One for 100% religious unity might be hard with just 3 missionaries and weak bonuses
I could vassalize someone who takes religious I guess

Ming lost alliance with Korea, so Shun should seriously attack them and take the mandate
No idea what are they waiting for

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