Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Vijayanagar: Part 05: 1508-1516: Conquest of Bengal

Bengal sold me a shitty 3dev province for 200 gold. I got one of Assam's core from Kachar by just asking nicely. Bengal's capital Gauda defected to Assam due to Hindu rebels. It's not much, but I enjoy getting those easy wins.

I converted OPM next to Jaunpur from Sikh to Hindu for next age's objective, and took all the money from Jaunpur.

Then I got into a big war against Delhi, supported by non-cobeligerent Baluchistan and Bengal, to connect my vassals.

After that I removed two remaining OPMs.

During war with Delhi, I made sure to leave Bengal to Hindu rebels, losing big battle on purpose to transfer half-finished siege to them. A few years later it paid off - almost whole Bengal defected to newly recreated Kalinjar, which got attacked in first week of its existence. And good that I acted fast as it took Jaunpur about a month to guarantee them.

Sunnis really hate me, everyone from Mamluks to Brunei has -39 AE or worse. At least the Ottomans never heard of my existence. I'm not sure why none of them have balls to coalition me.

Age of Reformation just started, and just on time, as I'm a few months away from finishing religious ideas, and Deus Vulting their ass.

My ideas are:
  • administrative - just first two for now
  • religious - all the way
  • next is trade - it's really great for countries without colonies and trade companies, at least until next patch rebalances it
I'm already a lot stronger than Ming - by my favourite metric of income 105 vs 80, and their about to hit Crisis of the Ming Dynasty in two years.

I'm really close to getting all of India, and coalition is yet to be seen.
Jaisamer, Dhundhar, Kumaon, Gorkha, Ladakh, and Assam are my vassals.
One idea is to let Sunnis chill a bit while I conquer Buddhists of South-East Asia, as nobody cares about those, but Ming would still protect them. If Ming explodes however, it's free real estate.

Muslims all hate me. However, Arabs, Africans, and Indonesians only somewhat so, Turks don't know who I am, Indians are truce-locked, half of Persians are Shia, so it's just mostly a Central Asian problem - and they're too busy fighting each other to create a coalition.
This good fortune won't last forever.

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