Saturday, January 18, 2020

Vijayanagar: Part 02: 1461-1474: Fall of Orissa

I had a quick war against the Bahmanis. After that I got event to move capital to Bidar, which it renamed Kalyana, but then unrenamed on next monthly tick. Wat?
I renamed it back to Kalyana. The citizens must be really confused by all that. I thought it would at least give me a free core, but no such luck.

Anyway, free capital moves are actually great for multiple dev pushes, and it's just a better province with silk and grassland instead of grain and drylands.

What was not fun was that it moved my trade capital to wrong node. I didn't notice this for a few years until I noticed baffling "You have no income from trade" while switching tabs about my country.
It's not even supposed to be possible to transfer trade past my trade capital, it should automatically free those merchants or switch them to collecting so I'd notice that. Oh well. 500 ducats or so down the drain.

I also finally got Golconda gem mine - I could have taken in first war, but I didn't notice this crazy rich province.

I got into a war with Orissa with Jaunpur's help. Orissa had 4 annoying vassals and far too many allies. It was too many forts for me to handle, and Jaunpur ended up bailing out halfway, so I just grabbed 4 of the forts in minor peace deal.

Weirdly last of Orissa's vassals got annexed by Patna, and Orissa and Patna got allied. Is this another weird event? It's not something I'd have normally noticed even playing near India. Maybe it happens every time, who knows.

Malwa tried to block my moves, spamming guarantees like they're Britain in HoI4, but they got distracted in Baglana-Bahmanis war, so I grabbed all of Patna. Maybe dishonoring guarantees should cancel all other guarantees and prevent a country from making more for 5 years? Just an idea.

There was another clusterfun in Gujarat area, so I tried to expand there and diplovassalize some minors, but Mewar sniped a few provinces in front of me, and they don't want to become my vassals due to distance. Mewar is allied with both me and Bahmanis, and well as 5 minors, so we'll see how this is going to go. I might distract them with some OPM war, then fight Bahmanis.

Taking administrative as my first ideas, not much surprise there.

All this slow expansion doesn't look like much on the map, but the country is also building up with temples and barracks, rebels calm down, control over trade gets stronger, and Golconda gem mine is mining some serious gems. With income of 50 gold/month I'm far ahead of anyone else except Ming's 80.

Meanwhile elsewhere, Aragon got a PU over extremely disloyal Castile. I really wish them luck. Saxony is the HRE. I don't think I'll really deal with Europe this campaign, so I'll just grab the popcorn and watch once the map uncovers.

India looks deceptively similar to before
Situation in Central India changed very rapidly last decade. Chanda and Andhra are my vassals, Orissa and Bahmanis fell apart, Mewar and Malwa are trying to play politics. Gujayar area is a total mess.

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