Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Vijayanagar: Part 07: 1531-1538: Wars of the Two Coalitions

Coalition happened. There are 37 countries over AE limit, and they're far too geographically dispersed to effectively truce juggle, so I need some serious plan.
I coul go West, but as soos as I conquer the first line of Sunni infidels, I'll get coalitioned even harder by everyone from Ottomans to Songhai.
Or I could go South-East - it will get worse at first, but eventually I'll reach the Pacific Ocean, and the only potential coalition members there will be the fish.
The fish have no guns, horses, or artillery, so the worst they can do is stink up the Ganges.

Of course the actual strategy will be more complicated and it will involve trying to get placate, threaten, truce juggle, or destroy various countries opportunistically.

And so I was doing some minor fights in East Asia. Mewar turned hostile and abandoned our alliance.

Coalition war triggered after all. Nogai, Aq Qoyunlu, Biapas, Brunei, Chagatai, Dawasir, Kedah, Malaca, Mong Pai, Mong Yang, Pasai, Shammar, Shewa, Siak, Sulu, Tibet.
Of my allies, Transoxiana and Lan Xang betrayed me. Afghanistan and Hormuz joined my side.

Balance of power wasn't too bad. 128k and 57 ships vs 128k and 77 ships. They never got even close to India. There was more ship sinking than any other action.

Then second coalition war triggered. Timurids, Aden, Ayutthaya, Cyprus, Dali, and Mamluks. Hormuz betrayed me, only Afghanistan stayed a loyal ally.
It was 115k and 41 ships vs 134k and 103 ships.

I don't think I ever had multiple coalition war at the same time.

There was a Muslim coup in Delhi, same as Bengal before. I think this is a bullshit event and shouldn't be in the game.

The first coalition war ended in 1538 with white peace, with 52k peasants dead on my side, and 123k and 42 ships on theirs.

The second coalition war ended just a few months later, with Timurids gaining one core 4dev province from Afghanistan. It cost us 75k and them 93k and 15 ships.

In the meantime I had a few tiny side wars, finally getting enough land to form Bharat, but I still need to core it and get extra stability.

List of haters shrunk from 37 to 22.

I now need to reestablish new alliances, and continue Plan East.

Meanwhile, Ming managed to end its crisis, passed third reform, almost recovered from that. There's one more problem on the horizon, as Oirats just passed 300dev, so they'll get Unguarded Nomadic Frontier. Shun is nowhere near being able to challenge them at 237dev to Ming's 784dev, but they managed to hold to Beijing.

I have 19/25 missions done, and I'll probably just form Bharat instead of finishing the rest, as they're asking for expansion into Arabia, East Africa and Malacca.

First Coalition War
OPM Nogai really overambitious here
I occupied minors to my East, and sunk a lot of ships but it felt fairly uneventful.

Now with simultaneous Second First Coalition War
I even ended up fighting the Mamluks in Afghanistan and lost a battle. There was a lot more fighting in territory of my vassal Assam.

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