Friday, February 21, 2020

Taiwan Is China: Part 01: 1444-1455: Sengoku

I almost always play CK2 with a custom ruler, but I never played EU4 with any custom nation. It's time now, as custom a daimyo.

There's minor complication - nation designer doesn't support vassals, but custom daimyos used to work by some end-of-the-month events. Dharma broke those events, so I'll need to use console to make myself a daimyo with console.

To keep other daimyos alive, I mostly took land that's uncolonized - one province in Japan, Ryukyu, Korean Jeju, and Taiwan. And since nation desniger names countries by their region, Taiwan it is! And I took a cool flag with an elephant, even though I'm going to lose it once I form Japan.

I'm keeping within vanilla's default 200 point limit, but ideas are still far better than any in game, because nation designer scoring makes no sense. These are far from the best ideas you can do within 200 points, but they're still ridiculously good.

218.8 points for ideas (early ideas cost extra):
  • Tradition. May Raid Coast (40 points)
  • Tradition. Core Creation Cost -10% (10 points)
  • 1. Goods Produced +10% (10 points)
  • 2. Siege Ability +10% (9 poits)
  • 3. Blockade Impact on Siege +1 (8 points)
  • 4. Yearly Army Tradition +1 (21 points)
  • 5. Improve Relations +15% (10.8 points)
  • 6. Province War Score Cost -20% (20 points)
  • 7. Colonist +1 (30 points)
  • Ambition. Administrative Efficiency +10% (60 points)

And then:
  • 16.5 points for starting land (Higo, Jeju, Ryukyu, Taiwan, 38dev total)
  • 3 points for 3/3/2 ruler with a bad trait
  • -24 points for worst heir possible
  • -4 points for worst consort possible
  • -10 points for duchy rank

I'm using the following mods:
  • Fun and Balance
  • Vassal conversion bug fix (it makes vassals send missionaries to infidel random province, as a dirty fix for broken AI)
  • culture/religion spread simulation minimod I wrote
  • no state limit, more rebels, and a few extra minor tweaks

Starting as a mid-tier daimyo, but with crazy good potential if I unlock idea groups.

Total war between the daimyo started as soon as first month. I raided Chinese coast for some money to fund my wars, and to devastate their land a bit, so they'd slow down their reforms.
It doesn't do much, as Ming spams forts everywhere, and they protect from devastation, but I'm doing my part.

Everyone was too busy fighting everyone, so coalition wasn't a huge risk.

I was happily getting into minor fights, ended up at 121dev, far eclipsing next biggest daimyo. Then I got attacked by my overlord Ashikaga. I totally did not expect that. The only upside is that

Order of battle:
  • my side - 9k, 15 ships
  • their side - 34k, 37 ships
  • and a lot of daimyos who can't join yet due to ongoing wars but they definitely will
It's not looking great.

Four times my army, twice my navy, totally doable
Best news is that Hosokawa, Japan's second strongest daimyo, couldn't join against me due to multiple overlapping wars. All 4 land bridges have Hosokawa land on one or both sides, and neutral land bridges are a lot easier to blockade.

Ashikaga pulling the trigger at this point is great thinking. If they didn't, one war with Hosokawa and a few OPM cleanups and I'd be pretty much running Japan in a decade.

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