Sunday, June 6, 2021

Tianxia Hsenwi: Part 14: 1068-1073: Independence League

The wife I had was some lowly relative of a court. Soon after I became a king she had an accident - and somehow I was blamed for it. I married my distant relative instead.

I helped my cousin fight the Incas a bit when they were passing through my lands, but he was mostly doing fine, and ended up destroying what few event troops Incas had left.

I was busy with a much more important problem - vassal rebellion.

In what should be an impossible event, somehow my house lost elections for Republic of Greater Pegu. Somehow from geniuses of greatness known all over the world, our patrician and candidate was imbred incapable lunatic, 0/7/0/1/10.

Well, it was time to end this, so I joined independence league. Somehow directly declaring independence is not possible in merchant republics.

Unfortunately my cousin as faction leader was leading the fight, and I just provided troops. Getting independence from my cousin would be hard, but House Gao did not have income or retinue of House Mookjai, so this was a shockingly easy fight.

In addition to kingdom of Guanxi, a few other duchies and counties became independent of Greater Pegu. It's still 4th biggest realm in the world, and I'm only 7th.

While I'd prefer if the republic went back under our dynasty, I feel no ill will against them - my plan is to conquer China after all.

Sunan won the elections, and then lost half the republic
Guangxi is still in 6 pieces, but that can be fixed

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