Thursday, September 17, 2020

Bohemian Empire: Part 10: 1555-1563: Heretic-Free Empire

I changed my mind, and decided I don't want to get into Swedish-Danish fight. That would delay liberation of Danish-occupied parts of the Empire too much. And it's much more fun to attack France.

Sweden declared its independence war, supported by England and Spain, against Denmark and Muscovy. That's good balance of power in theory, but really all its allies were too far, and in ended up losing.

While I was fighting France, Muscovy got tired of saving Denmark, so I declared on them as well.

Then it was a few minor wars, a lot of diplomats demanding conversion, and I only got rejection once from Geneva, as there really wasn't any way to get them into a fight. Rejecting conversion gives me a CB, so that was the last one.

While at it, I took some more land from Mantua, so together with some trade power transfer, I have over 50% trade power in Venice end node now. That's mostly thanks to milking estates for mercantilism. I'm at 59%, next highest is Venice at 38%, and really most countries have below 15%. 59% mercantilism is +118% province trade power, and it will only increase, at least until absolutism comes and I have to change my approach.

Finally after a bit over 20 years, HRE is heretic-free, and completely free of foreign control (not counting two provinces held by Commonwealth, as they don't cause any penalties). Now that there are no more Imperial Authority exploits that I know of, it will take until about 1650 to unify it.

Free and Hussite Empire. There's event chain for PU juniors to join the HRE, but since it already fired for Hungary, I don't know if it can also fire second time for the Commonwealth.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world. I'm not really challenging other Great Powers much, so they can do whatever.

I'm allied with Muscovy and Mamluks, and they hate each other, so it's not going to last much longer, and I'll need to pick sides. Muscovy annoys me a lot more with its Ottoman alliance, but the Mamluks have much nicer clay, especially Jerusalem for free missionary.

Or maybe I could ally France now that they're no longer occupying any Imperial clay

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