Saturday, September 5, 2020

Bohemian Empire: Part 07: 1520-1535: Bohemian Golden Era

It looks like immediately after subjugating Brandenburg there were 45 hater countries against me.

Well, I guess I'll take it slow for a while. And since I do, I might just as well press the Golden Era button, and enjoy 1520-1570 as my Golden Era.

After diplomatic and administrative, I took influence as third group. It got nerfed, but it's not terrible.

New Emperor Burgundy got into war against my rival Denmark over PU over Brabant. France thought it would be a great opportunity to attack Burgundy as well. Burgungy got wrecked so hard Denmark forced them to revoke HRE reform. How low the Empire has fallen.

Commonwealth got a new ruler who was instantly "-200 wants whole Hungary" and broke our alliance. Then they rivalled me, and decided to actually enforce their Defender of the Catholic Faith claim. Damn.

This forced major realignment of my diplomacy, with Austria, Mamluks, Switzerland, and Muscovy as my allies. Mamluks soon attacked Ottomans-Muscovy, almost forcing me to take sides, but I remembered I can save game, load it again, and tick "do not call into offensive war" box, and that costs me just some favors while it's active.

Well, time for a war! Commonwealth, its subject Cilli, and its allies Moldavia, Scotland, Pope, and Wolgast vs Bohemia and its subjects Hungary, Brandenburg, Circassia, and Stettin.

I hoped Muscovy would join, but due to damn Ottoman alliance they refused to even consider it. I took the usual strategy of overwhelming all their allies, but Scotland was completely untouchable. I built enough of a fleet to fight the Pope, but not Scottish heavies on open sea.

Commonwealth had the weirdest build - all cavalry and artillery, with pretty much no infantry except mercs. It was surprisingly good at fighting since they stack all cavalry bonuses, but it's so ridiculously overcosted.

I invaded them, they invaded me. This shows just how irrelevant army strength is in EU4. Commonwealth armies could defeat mine twice their size, and none of that mattered.
I didn't even hire a single merc in all of this.

We had some fights, and I did not do great, but mostly it was a race of who can siege faster, and weirdly in spite of their artillery superiority, and me having no bonuses, I was easily winning that. AI is just terrible at art of carpet sieging, while I've been perfecting it back in EU3 days.

I got Commonwealth, and I also got unwanted OPM Cilli as another PU partner. Coalition wasn't even a real threat - it was just 10 countries, all of them except Ottomans got into positive relationships with just improving relations.

Great Power map on peace day. Only 7 as two GPs got unified under one rule.
Colonization has been very anemic so far.

HRE is in 4-way religious split, and it's high time for Hussite League to form and clean it up.
Catholic Emperor Burgundy got reduced to an OPM after being beaten by Denmark, France, and even some minors, and that proves Pope is wrong.

I'm not sure if Anglican is yet to spawn, or if they had the event and said no.

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