Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Bohemian Empire: Part 09: 1544-1555: Restoring Imperial Order

So my main problems are 46 countries with enough AE to coalition me (most sort of managed by my diplomats), 24 heretic imperial princes, and 22 imperial provinces occupied by foreigners. And once I liberate HRE clay, those liberated princes will largely be heretics as well.

I did the usual strategy of starting as many wars against as many heretic OPMs as possible, as long as it didn't involve any major power. I liberated some provinces from Provence while at it. Knights of Rhodes were constantly raiding me, so I took Rhodes, and while I was at it, I seized the island of Venice. I couldn't take anything more due to AE, but eventually I'd like to take that whole end node.

But really it wasn't the OPMs that were coalition risk - even if half of the HRE hated me, they wouldn't create a coalition without some strong external support. And that someone was the Ottomans. Unfortunately they were allied with my ally Muscovy. So I distracted Muscovy with some silly war against the Golden Horde, and invaded the Ottomans.

That was a fun war, as I had to go to 161% OE. A lot of haters as well, but with so many diplomats and without majors it's very manageable.

After my first decade I reduced imperial heretic princes to just 11, and foreign-occupied provinces to 18. With my first reelection I even have positive imperial authority, so I asked some bigger countries (Switzerland and Brabant) to convert.

I'm supporting Swedish independence for fun. Muscovy is allied to Denmark so they might end up breaking up with me.

I was pretty much forced to seize that Turk land. Anatolia is now two trade companies.
All that Greater Circassia was just a way to distract Muscovy that got out of hand

Converting the HRE worked mostly fine. It's just Austria, Utrecht, and some OPMs left.

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