Saturday, April 4, 2020

Habsburg Megacampaign: Part 32: 1290-1298: Invasion of Jerusalem

Due to some weird dynastic coincidence, one of my counts inherited Aztec Empire, which respawned as a Greek Orthodox OPM on Anatolian coast.

As heirs of Alexander the Great, me and my descendants have once in a lifetime Invasion CB for a whole kingdom. My grandson king of Georgia already burned that to challenge 4 counties in Trebizond from Hungary.

I spent so much prestige and money on this bloodline, it would be a shame if all my descendants always burned it like that. So invasion of Jerusalem it is! And since I'm going to take all occupied counties I might just as well take Antioch and Alexandria in this war.

The war had some battles, but it was mostly an enormous carpet siege which might be a portend of things to come. I took all of Jerusalem, all of Syria, and 2/3 of Egypt. That got me two more great works - Great Lighthouse of Alexandria, and Pyramids of Giza, but Pyramids are inactive due to culture mismatch.

I setup patriarch of Antioch, Jerusalem, and Alexandria with a duchy each. Damietta as a merchant republic. The rest went to various relatives, about a duchy each.

My son's kingdom of Bihar and Gondwana wouldn't last, he got overthrown, and his heir - king Gotthard of Georgia took over as a king, getting him to 7 kingdom titles. He died of an infected would while fighting and his 1 year old daughter, Serhilda von Habsburg, took over as ruler of 4th largest realm in the known world.

In grand Habsburg tradition I divorced my aging wife Baia, former queen of Georgia, and married emira Lanhjin, widow of my grandson Gotthard, and mother of queen Serhilda. This way I could ally my great-granddaughter Serhilda and prevent her vassals from overthrowing her.

My other son king of Orissa got himself into a vassal war, so I had to help him.

Should I even be giving them kingdoms? A duchy or two is about the most they seem capable of handling.

Empire of Tibet conquered its way all the way past Delhi, and seemed like it would pose a serious danger to my children's kingdoms in India, so I asked Chinese Emperor to do something about it. I didn't assist in Chinese Invasion of Tibet. China had no trouble achieving their goal, and Tibet got shattered into a hundred pieces.

1293 Invention of a Carpet Siege

New Rome really looks like Roman borders. Plus Iceland.
Tibet looked really scary, fortunately China is always happy to invade Tibet

Tibetan landscape just after Chinese invasion.
It will gradually coalesce back into a few big countries, hopefully nothing that big.

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