Thursday, March 14, 2019

Italy Megacampaign: Part 23: 1723-1733: Enlightenment and German Revolution

I never played this late, so I want too see the Revolution. Unfortunately:

  • I'm outside Europe, so it can't be me - and it would be a bit boring as I don't want to invade Europe
  • only countries with 30+ provinces can get it
  • France has unique version, and it just needs negative prestige (or one of 4 never-gonna-happen conditions), but it has just 29 provinces - well, it's all BS, it has 12 provinces in Europe, and 17 overseas provinces, and is not even a proper secondary power
  • for non-France countries, they'd need to stay at negative stability for very long time, and that's basically impossible for AI - it will just spend its points to stab up
  • Europe feels far too unified for a good revolution. Most countries wouldn't even be able to go on a good rampage.

Oh wait, there's one obvious choice - Burgundy turned into HRE, it holds Paris and half of France, accepts French culture, and is sufficiently menacing. It also has 116 absolutism. So I guess they can get special French system instead of France.

EU4 disaster system is so promising, but almost all disasters require conditions which can be averted with some mana (paper mana for stability, bird mana for war exhaustion, sword mana for legitimacy), so it's exceedingly rare to see anyone get disaster, except those triggered on purpose.

And of course they defeated the revolution in a few months. Seriously?

Meanwhile, I got into minor fights for remote islands. New Venice Islands got Enlightenment, and that was really my only way to get it anytime soon, so I conquered them. It still wasn't enough, so I had to dev push third time.

I got two furnaces right away in coal producing provinces I dev pushed. For others, well, colonists were slowly developing them up to 20dev. I'm slowly catching up to Italy on income. Having spent 17k on Enlightenment it's time to start saving 30k for Panama Canal.

Commonwealth dragged me into their war against Russia and Denmark, but it was fairly uneventful.

Well, it's my first time playing this late, and I really want to see what it does, so I made revolution in HRE start again and win by console. Let's see what happens time. Price of Popcorn +20% until end of game.

A small downside of this idea is that "Revolutionary Holy Roman Empire" breaks UI in multiple places.

Colonization of Indian Ocean, and native empires of Ming and Bahmanis.
I got Ceylon, bits of Brunei, Sumatra, and Sulawesi, and a few scattered ports.
Really just getting scraps, as I joined this race too late. 

Cultural unification effort largely successful. Colombia is mine all the way to border with Portugal (Brazil basically).
I might move a bit further down Pacific coast, but not going to expand too much.
I also have a single province in Kamchatka, feeling like getting a bit of land over there maybe since it's basically West Alaska.

Revolution happened here, on second try.
That gives Revolutionary HRE enough bonuses and CBs that it should be able to beat up anyone in Europe. Unless HRE AI marches all its troops to Indonesia or something.

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