Friday, March 8, 2019

Italy Megacampaign: Part 20: 1671-1687: Endless German Wars

I had to change HRE's primary culture from Burgundian French to Dutch German, so it wouldn't have all its lands as non-accepted. There's no way to have two culture groups accepted.

I also needed to add back some trust. Due to a support independence bug that exists for I don't know how many patches now, HRE thinks I promised it land and didn't deliver. Just reverting that to some reasonable values.

And I needed to console switch for a second, to HRE to give them new missions as that's not automatic, and to Italy to convert the remaining kebab into spaghetti.

So, now that Parliament's role was reduced to simply electing Il Presidente, and not actual ruling, I could finally press that reduce autonomy button hard, and start playing the inevitable rebel whack-a-mole.

The newly independent country was still in serious debt, behind in tech, with far too many heathens, and far too many people who couldn't speak proper Italian. Also disconnected by Ferdinandia and with 3 of 4 ships sunk during Independence War.

So I was just cleaning up natives, and rebels, and teaching people proper Italian, and the right way to pray.

HRE continued its rampage in Germany. I got called into a seemingly hopeless coalition war. So another war with Italy it is then! I was mostly on the offensive this time, but enemies were coming from so many directions, and it was a micro nightmare.

I did totally disproportional part of the work to push it over 51% warscore limit needed to win coalition wars. The game bugged out and didn't appreciate it, counting HRE contributions at 70%, mine at 1%, and 29% at nobody's. 70%:30% sounds about right - there was a lot of fighting in New World.

I managed to repay my debts, build a small transport fleet, which even won a few naval skirmishes against enemy lights, and the program of educating peasant heathens is going quite well.

It looks like when I formed USA, Clergy estate got replaced by Planters (Nobility) estate, and I didn't even notice that for a while. Estates have weird rules now since they changed how governments works.

Orthodox Egypt declared war on Coptic Adal to cleanse their heresy. I did not see that one coming.

King of Egypt claimed throne of kingdom of Jerusalem. King of Jerusalem claimed throne of Egypt. Then both of them got heirs, and it was all pointless. Both of them as well as Italy are back to the glorious Borromeo dynasty.

Meanwhile I managed to roll a 1/0/1 as better of the two choices, fortunately only for 4 years. The alternative was giving 1/0/3 presidency for life. So far nobody rules longer than 4 years, even though those 4 years are more and more absolutist.

To express our gratitude for help in Independence War, we're helping the HRE.
Every single enemy province in mainland North America got sieged down by me at least once, but there were too many enemy and rebel stacks, so a lot got unsieged, resieged, and so on. I'm stronger than all those colonial minors put together now, but distances between frontlines are too long to control everything, and my navy is still a work in progress.

What do you mean you want to end this? We're just starting to have fun! This screen is so American.
Sweden was on our side too, it lost some land to Denmark.

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