Friday, March 1, 2019

Italy Megacampaign: Part 16: 1621-1639: Colonial Assembly

Colonial Assembly was founded, and its first act was changing colors to more distinct than Italian colors. We have a lot of issues regarding Italian actions, but even rapidly increasing development from 363dev to 592dev, we're still a tiny country compared with Italy, and nobody would even consider supporting us.

We could continue expanding until we can take them, but we'd also need to fight Commonwealth, Spain, all the Italian and Spanish colonies, and who know who else.

Right now our best hope is that Burgundy will manage to unite the HRE and rival Italy. Or that somehow Italian allies Spain and Commonwealth who are rivals end up at war, drag Italy into it, and one will then rival the other. Spain on our side would mean also Spanish colonies, and then we'd have much easier time defending our independence. Oh well, there's still plenty of time.

My attempts to cut off expansion of colonists from other countries didn't go too well, so I took alternative approach and just took over Provencial Canada.

Britain kept colonizing into Canada, so I had to attack their colony of Newfoundland, even if that risked escalating into major European war. They did not defend them, but then after war ended they just happily resumed colonizing. Maybe instead of blocking them I should let them come, then take over?

Instead of just taking a loan and taking global trade, I waited for it to spread, but it really doesn't want to spread beyond the coastline, and now it's actually twice as expensive. I guess I could take massive loans to unlock two institutions and then declare bankruptcy? In Old World it's just so much easier to beat up some big weak country for war reparations instead, but I don't really have any big weak countries around. Or in old patches, I could take all the money from countries with gold.

One more idea I had was invading Mexico and grabbing some gold mines. My country wouldn't be contiguous, but does it really matter? Maybe I can connect it through California and Alaska someday. Notably as colonial nation I can't colonize outside my region except just next to provinces I already own, so I can't send colonists to Mexico. I can still take land there.

French La Plata, with Spanish support, declared independence from France, and won that war. France also lost Paris to Burgundy, and is generally miserable.

Now in new colors. Why didn't I do that in any previous campaign? It's a fairly obvious save game edit. I'm trying to strategically cut everyone off as much empty land as possible, but it's not going great. It's also all mostly really bad land, low development, and full of heathens who can't even speak proper Italian.

Great Powers. Great Britain and Burgundy are rivals due to very similar colors, but Burgundy might go grey soon.
Portugal, exiled to South America, somehow became Ming's tributary. I guess that's one way to avoid getting conquered.

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