Saturday, February 9, 2019

Italy Megacampaign: Part 02: 1458-1468: Avenging Varna

The Turks allied France, Hussite Bohemia, and Morocco. Fortunately the French king was a bastard with no intention of actually upholding their alliance.

The Turks also subscribed to "naval force limit is just a number" philosophy, which forced me to do the same. I got curia control, and called for crusade against the Turks. Poland/Lithuania joined with promise of land, Knights joined because it's their duty, mercs because there's loot to be had, there were Greeks looking for revenge, and Venetian sailors there to show who rules the seas! On August 1459 to war to avenge Varna begun.

Turks had their armies split between two sides of the straits, and completely failed to coordinate with their allies. Moroccan navy stayed in its ports and its army limited itself to sieging down my North African holdings. Bohemia was only interested in fighting Poland.

In this campaign taking provinces is more expensive, but returning them is much cheaper. So I gave Poland one province I promised, and Byzantium got everything they could. I even gave a province each to Albania, Serbia, and the Knights.

I didn't quite notice this messes up my trade league, as Albania and Knights are no longer OPMs. Oh well.

I wanted to kick Turks out of Europe, but there was not enough warscore for that, at least not without invading Morocco. But that actually messed them even worse, as now most of their army is trapped in landlocked Bulgaria, while Karamanese and Dulkadiri rebels are running rampant in Anatolia. As if that wasn't enough, Turks dishonored Tunisian call to arms, losing them another ally.

I'm technically a great power now, but I have permanent zero manpower. No matter, I took exploration ideas, so hopefully we'll find a way to India. It's much more important than some European clay.

And somehow Mamluks agreed to ally me. They'd have been a lot more useful back when Ottomans were a great power. At least they'll disregard what I plan to do to Tunis now.

Together with my vassal I'm strong majority Orthodox, so I'm wondering if it wouldn't be a good idea to just switch Orthodox already. Then again, it would be hard to convert my core lands without religious ideas.

I had to spend a lot of money on mercs and galleys over force limit, but it was unique opportunity of breaking alliance between the Turks and the treasonous Frenchmen.
If French king wasn't malevolent, balance of power would look far worse.

Somehow I became Great Power and Ottomans lost the status, but that's completely fake based on institutions. They still have more dev and armies than me, and a lot of bonuses. If their army wasn't trapped they'd probably be conquering Syria from the Mamluks right now.

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