Sunday, April 25, 2021

Tianxia: Part 04: 804-817: Regency Period

I changed my mind about game rules, as it was way too easy to be a blob, so I changed demesne settings to half size. It's actually even worse than that, as it rounds down, so 7 becomes just 3. If that causes any major issues, I might revert that.

I had ten years to go before emperor became an adult, and I wasn't really expecting much resistance from other vassals until then, so it was time to expand position of my clan.

Or actually, why should celestial emperor ever bother running day to day administration of Japan? He has enough religious obligations to do. Many of my fellow daimyo fully agreed with me on this. I'm not following through on their support yet, but I appreciate the claim.

One of my vassal counts had a claim on a duchy in Korean Manchuria, and what kind of Japan campaign would it be without a little invasion of Korea.

Daimyo Fujimoto of clan Fujiwara tried to take over the regency, but failed.

I went Japanese Feudal government type for flavor, even though it's pretty much a strict downgrade. I gave my 3 sons county each, so they can practice some rulership before they get their duchies on inheritance.

I somehow got myself into a war against my grandson, as his father and me both tried to get Shikoku, and his father died.

I did some duchy and county conquering, and then I discovered there was literally a button "transfer vassal from liege", at cost of 1000 prestige to transfer anyone I wanted. Sadly there's a 10 year timer for that.

I became infirm and bedridden just as new emperor was reaching adulthood.

I was expecting the new emperor to demand end of regency, but instead he declared war on the Uyghurs of Mongolia for Manchurian coast, but then he was murdered by I have no idea whom (might even be the Uyghurs). In the end Khitans of Shiwei took all that land from the Uyghurs of Mongolia anyway.

My (obviously non-dynastic, the title is dynasty-locked) grandson became the new emperor. Meanwhile I was still consolidating my control over Japan, reaching about 2/3.

My grandson died of depression after just over a year on the throne.

His barely born baby, my great-grandson, became the new emperor, it's 6th emperor since I started my rule (and I guess 8th since I was born).

Meanwhile in China, after Tang collapse, the strongest realm is Jingdong, which is ruled by my son in law, with my grandson as an heir.

So sorting by realm strength, my family now rules:

  • 2 Japan - my grandson, with me as regent
  • 5 Jingdong - my son-in-law, with grandson as heir
  • 6 Lombardy - my former son-in-law (my daughter died), with my grandson as heir

As well as a lot of duchies within Japan by my sons and grandsons. And I'm still at my first character, Habsburgs would be envious.

Lands controlled by clan Miyoshi are twice greater than lands loyal to the baby emperor
I was sort of expecting to be asked to resign regency as soon as previous emperor became adult, and back then I'd probably concede, but at this point, it's silly to pretend Japan can be ruled by anyone other than me

I'm not even sure what's my plan after I take over Japan, after the very slow start I thought it would take a few generations, but then again I also thought I'd be dead by now, but RNG was kind to me

The slow start was partly caused by not even remembering all the game mechanics (such as plotting for duchy claims)

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