Thursday, April 22, 2021

Tianxia: Part 01: 769-786: Shugo Tokikai Miyoshi of Echizen

I keep expecting Crusader Kings to expand its map to cover the whole Old World, but somehow neither CK2 nor CK3 ever got there.

People keep talking nonsense about how China couldn't work with feudal system, but it was just as feudal as Eastern Roman Empire or other such places - which is to say mostly, with wealthy landed aristocracy dominating provinces, with small central administration mostly but not completely made out of such people on top.

Fortunately there's mods! So I made a modpack based on Tianxia (not available on Steam Workshop for some stupid reason).

So much of CK2 is locked behind being duke or higher, count start feels like hard mode up to the point where I'm a duke, then it's stupidly easy
Echizen is on North coast, just above big Japan coat of arms

Starting as 769 as count in Empire of Japan. None of them are historical anyway, so I picked count of Echizen, and made custom character Tokikai, of clan Miyoshi.

He's 16 year old, strong, stubborn, gardener, fortune builder, because why not. 4/8/14/5/7. Yamato culture, Shinto religion.

First thing to do is obviously to get myself a wife, and Empress's niece is available. I got some concubines as well.

I joined The Warriors of the Rising Sun, since Hermetics weren't available, and I don't care for monastics or devil worshipers. Also it seems most unique to the mod, not regular warrior society.

I tried seducing some women, including the Empress. It mostly didn't go too great.

Fortunately I started the game with two claims, so I started my first war against a nearby double count for the first.

Then I remembered I have raiding enabled, so I raided Korean and Manchurian coast a bit. One of my vassal barons died in suspicious circumstances, so I got his castle.

It took me a while, but I got 100 piety needed to declare war for duchy consolidation.

I was trying to become a duke, but the Empress created my duchy, and gave it to some total douchebag. I needed to get independence from that douchebag, and I'm no closer to getting my own duchy. It's all been really poor first 10 years.

Osabe, brother of my wife, nephew of the Empress, and heir to Empire of Japan got mature, so I invited him over, and arranged matrilineal betrothal to my daughter (with a concubine; so they're unrelated). It's a longshot, as he's 18, she's 5, he can have concubines, and Japan has special inheritance laws that I don't understand, but maybe something could come out of it.

After my chancellor found out that my family were the historical guardians of Ise Grand Shrine and surrounding county, I went to a war to reclaim it. This was far too slow and far too bloody, and unfortunately all benefits of Ise Grand Shrine go to top level liege not to direct holder.

My 4 counties were spread between Echizen, Tosen, and Owari - all occupied by existing holders. I went on diplomatic mission to get my claim to duchy of Tosan recognized. Then I challenged the daimyo of Tosan to a duel, in which he was slain thanks to my extensive duelling experience at this point - experience which cost me multiple wounds, scars, concussion, black eye, but also brought a lot of prestige.

Then as ordered by my society, I went on a journey to India to find the Sword of Serpents, legendary warrior. Honestly the whole quest line is really stupid, and unless you pick go home option, it has like 90% chance of instant death, and reward is absolutely attrocious - just some decent martial courtier. I reached him, failed to defeat him, so I had to head home - the whole pointless adventure cost me about a year of my life wasted.

I became a steward of Japan. Meanwhile I got a Jewish courtier to whom I gave 100 gold to start trading and made my steward.

I had a lot of daughters, so I setup a few for marriage alliances with other daimyo. Finally I ran out patience, and declared war for duchy of Tosan, against strongest daimyo in Japan, as I was unable to get any other claim. I got my troops (very insufficient), some ronin from warrior society, ally armies.

Somehow I also got 17 skill points in this time, in addition to really high duelling skill

Finally 17 years into the game, I got my first duchy! It's still agnatic gavelkind, but gavelkind isn't really that big of a deal - I have just 3 sons, and I'd lose only 2 counties from my demesne of 5.

Japan is divided into 5 de jure kingdoms (Ryukyu and Hokkaido not included at all). I have 10/22 of one of them and almost could become a vassal king at some point if I conquered a bit more of it, but mod allows this only if Japan is under regency (or China under low mandate of heaven, whatever that is).

For now I'm fine just consolidating my power, and maybe getting another duchy or two. There's no rush.

I'm not really sure where I want to take this campaign long term.

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