Saturday, April 24, 2021

Tianxia: Part 03: 795-804: King of Chubu and Owari and Regent of Japan

Empress Shotoku, aunt of my wife, died of slow fever epidemic at age of 73. Emperor Sanjo, my brother in law, died at young age of 32 after just a two your reign, fighting Northern barbarians personally. They were both great emperors, and I was on great terms with both.

After Sanjo's heroic death, the empire should rightfully ass to his nephew Shirakabe, who's cousin of my heir, and separately also my son in law, and overall a great guy.

Unfortunately that didn't happen, and due to some obviously illicit shenanigans, a lustful glutonous drunkard dwarf Kameyeama got the throne. Even worse, he's so remotely related to previous emperors, that he has no meaningful connection to my family either.

So I started faction to make me a permanent regent of Japan. Unfortunately this comes with two problem:

  • mod's code for this faction is completely broken, and it took me far too long to figure out the issue and fix it (it uses supported_claimant checks, but that only works for claimant factions, so it was always false)
  • most people really like the emperor, even a really shitty one, due to massive stack of opinion bonuses every emperor gets

Well, I can do it myself, I just need a ton of money, so raiding Korea time it is again. Now I had enough ships to arrange two raiding parties at once. But Korea is not that rich - after collapse of Tang, there's a much better raiding target - China!

I thought about rushing this, and hiring mercenaries to push my regency, but instead I invested all the loot into buildings in my demesne.

The new emperor got a revolt against himself, but the revolt leader was my rival, so obviously I rejected his plea to join him.

I also got involved in a bunch of minor fights over my vassals' rightful claims to various neighbouring counties.

My primary heir's wife died, and I got him a daughter of Mongol khagan as a wife, but I first gave her a good tumble myself. In this way my grandson (and next heir) is actually my son.

I got camp fever, and I was waiting to either recover or die. In that time emperor Dameyeama the Drunkard died in some kind of an accident, new emperor being a 3 year old kid. This instability would be great if I could get out of bed to exploit it.

After I recovered from very long illness, I organized three raiding parties this time.

I found out that while emperor is a minor, I can't make a faction to become permanent regent, but I can do a plot to be a permanent regent. Except just like the faction, code for the plot is also broken! This is like a pattern with this mod.

This time the problem was that instead of checking that potential plotter is not same dynasty as the emperor, code was checking that plotter is not same dyansty as himself, which meant nobody could be a potential plotter.

After fixing the code, I became the regent, and since emperor was under permanent regency, I was able to make myself a king of Chubu and Owari, whatever that is.

This means that other local daimyos could also try to form their own regional kingdoms.

With this I had over a quarter of Japan under my direct rule, and I don't plan to stop there. I want to be shogun of it all, with emperor as just purely religious position. This however might take some time.

Other vassals might also try to replace me as regent, or abolish regency and restore direct rule. The emperor can also demand that at cost of just 2000 prestige once he reaches adulthood in 10 years - but I'll remain a vassal king so that's fine I guess.

Clan Miyoshi ascended from a single count to de facto ruler of Japan, but the gains still need to be consolidated

Meanwhile Roman Empire completely collapsed due to civil war.

I also hope I don't need to fix any other mod code. It's been far too many times already.

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