Thursday, December 24, 2020

Very Sus Celestial Andalusia: Part 03: 1465-1474: This New Morocco Looks Very Sus

Portugal got involved in some massive HRE fight, got beaten, forced to pay 770 gold to the winners, and decided to sell Ceuta to me for 100. They still have Tangers there.

I somehow finally managed to convince the Mamluks to ally with me - which will likely drag me to be second front in Ottoman-Mamluk war, as Tunis is Ottoman-allied.

Aragon managed to restore its union over Naples, after getting Navarra earlier. As long as they don't make a Castile/Aragon/Naples/Navarra monstrosity, that's fine I guess. They're both Great Powers in their own right. Unusually 6 GPs are Mediterranean countries.

Mingsplosion didn't happen yet
Austria got Hungary and conquered Wallachia so it's GP and HRE Emperor
Timurids survived
Poland did not get Lithuania so it lost its GP
Muscovy is lazy at expanding so lost its GP too

I attacked Tlemcen to chain through Djerid into Morocco, to save myself 6 years of Morocco truce and avoid getting Tunis involved in this. As soon as I did, Aragon also attacked Tlemcen, somehow getting the Mamluks involved (as Defender of the Sunni Faith on same continent I guess). I took Tlemcen coastline, and I'll let them waste some resources on this silly fight before the inevitable white peace.

I took Exploration as my first idea group. I'm really late with this. And good timing, as Portugal swiped all the remaining islands between me and West Africa, leaving me with just Arguin.

After I finished my war, I became Morocco. This means new missions, new ideas (first is cheaper advisors; second is -10% idea cost; both extremely useful with unlimited idea groups), and getting out of trash theocracy, and finally being able to disinherit shitty heirs, like the 1/3/4 I have now. I can now decide if I want Iqta or the rare Plutocratic Monarchy.

As Morocco had full cores on lands I had territorial cores on, I thought becoming Morocco will give me free full cores, but that's somehow not how it works. I got full cores on uncored lands I took, and on Portugal-held Tangers; but my territorial cores did not get upgraded. That's such a rare interaction, I never ran into this before.

Aragon/Naples/Navarra is strong (3x on sea, 2x on land) but diplomatically isolated, so it might just be the best target fairly soon
And if I crush them now, I won't have to worry about the Iberian Wedding
Alternatively I could fight Tunis for more clay, but that brings in the Ottomans

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