Monday, October 11, 2021

With Fire and Sword: Part 03: 1474-1491: Get All The Thrones

I alllied and married Burgundy, hoping to get on that inheritance RNG, but so far Burgundy continues stubbornly existing.

I got my cardinal elected Pope, but that didn't seem to be of much use, nobody I could excommunicate except some Italian minors I don't care about, and crusade was already called against Tunis, and nobody showed up anyway.

I destroyed what was left of Teutonic Order. That gave me PU CBs on Hungary and Bohemia.

Hungary was totally diplomatically isolated, as Austria got that event that made them claim throne of Hungary, so that alliance broke, but I swiped the throne first. That also got me PU over Croatia, but there's event when same person holds both, Hungary instantly inherits Croatia, so that saves me one diplo slot.

Hungary was at war with Serbia and friends, so I inherited that war, and full annexed Serbia for that second gold mine in Kosovo. I unfortunately wasn't able to core any provinces except those neigbouring Hungary itself, so it will be a while until that gold actually shows up.

After that I had a quick Livonian war, then I broke alliance with Bohemia, and took the PU.

Weirdly nobody even really minded all that AE, zero countries in coalition range. Hungary CB got AE discount, Bohemia CB got AE discount, and they were also Hussite, Serbia was Orthodox and there's a small discount for defensive wars, and so on. Zero care, and I got to me the number 1 Great Power.

I thought that might get me elected as HRE emperor, as Bohemia is mine, and Brandenburg and Palatinate are my allies, but apparently I get "controlling other electors -50". I'm not sure in which situations it triggers and it which it doesn't. Maybe I should just destroy the HRE and get over it?

As for mod content, I have 5 estates - the usual, Cossacks, and Magnates. Szlachta (Nobility) and Magnates hate each other, but Magnates are such trash, I never want them. And like with other cases of two estates hating each other, one will be invariable unhappy through events, so I made Magnates the unhappy one. Overall, nothing interesting here.

Updated mission tree does something, but that something is mostly free claims and PUs, and I feel like maybe the game should have dynamic PU CB system like EU3? Well, technically EU4 still has "claim throne" functionality, but it got nerfed so hard people use hardcoded mission CBs instead.

I got to 54 income and Kosovo is still not dev pushed.

Now obviously playing Poland I wasn't expecting super hard mode, but so far this run has been really lacking in challenge. Fun and Balance gives big buffs to HRE emperor, so Austria would at least fight me. Here I think I fought Austria 5 times already (3 times when they defended Hungary; then Bohemia and Burgundy dragged me into their wars against Austria once each), and each time they've been a total pushover. I'll continue until I form the Commonwealth, not sure if I'll do much beyond that.

I've been so busy bullying Austria, I didn't fight Denmark, Muscovy, or Ottomans yet.

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