Saturday, April 13, 2019

Italy Megacampaign: Part 26: 1770-1783: Revolution comes to New World

I got Mong Kawng as another vassal and expanded them a bit.

I force vassalized Madurai. They were already at war with France and Provence, so I attacked Kikondja guaranteed by France to remove French stack from Madurai's capital. Interestingly Fetishist rebels took over parts of South Africa and defected to Kikondja. Surprise free Cape I guess, I didn't really plan to take it, but I won't say no.

Then it was time to crush Ming. Once more my fleets were too scattered, so I got defeated in early fights. Ming managed to even sink my flagship, but I sank theirs so it was only fair I guess. Another big reason why I was doing so poorly was that Chinese coast counts as inland sea for galley bonus somehow, and I had no galleys.

It was going rather unimpressively on land and sea, so I took some minor concessions and called it a day. Also started major fort and ship building program.

HRE declared a war on my ally Portugal - which by this time should really get renamed to Brazil. I did the silly thing and joined the war. The Revolutionary HRE had 200k mercs, many military ideas by this time, and some bonuses due to being revolutionary. My armies were scattered everywhere, without any mercs, and with fairly few bonuses.

Having to flip between all the different parts of the map definitely did not help. My armies fought extremely poorly overall.

And yet somehow I turned this -40% warscore around. I gathered my scattered navies, and got a lot of warscore this war. Then HRE invasion of South America got wiped out. Then one of Malacca. The HRE took a big bite out of our ally Toulouse, but it was hopeless to even attempt saving. Finally fighting in India got warscore to +1%, and then somehow crept to 10%, with white peace resulting from it all.

492k peasants and 148 ships got lost on attacking side. 301k peasants and 79 ships on defending side. With very little to show for it all.

Now I could get back to the main business of crushing Ming, but somehow still has 62% mandate.

I've been taking long breaks between episodes to maybe see Vic2 converter ready before I finish, but that seems increasingly unlikely. Oh well.

After first battles lost I was quite convinced that we're going to lose this war.

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